The charter adoption process is specified in Chapter 99 of the Connecticut General Statutes ( The following provides an overview of the charter development process including steps in the process with mandated deadlines where noted as prescribed by statute.


APRIL 2023

Charter Commission Resolution Adopted

The charter development process is initiated by action of the Board of Selectmen through adoption of a resolution creating a charter commission (within 30 days of adopting the resolution) and providing recommendations for the commission’s consideration in drafting a town charter. By statute the commission must complete its draft report/charter no later than 16 months from its date of appointment.


MAY 2023

Charter Commission Established

The Board of Selectmen is charged with appointing a charter commission of between 5 and 15 members. The statutes provide restrictions on commission membership including that it cannot be comprised of more than a bare majority of members who are enrolled in one political party and that no more than one-third of its members may serve in any other town office during their service on the commission.


MAY 2023 – JUNE 2023

Charter Commission – Orientation

The charter commission is required to hold at least two public hearings. The first hearing needs to be conducted prior to beginning substantive work on preparing its draft report/charter. The second required public hearing is required after the commission has completed its draft report/charter and before submitting it to the Board of Selectmen. The commission may hold other meetings it determines necessary to complete its work.


JUNE 2023

Charter Commission – 1st Public Hearing

The Charter Commission is required to hold at least two public hearings. The first hearing needs to be conducted prior to beginning substantive work on preparing its draft report/charter.


JUNE 2023 – AUGUST 2023

Charter Commission – Charter Development – Presentations

The next phase of the work effort involved receiving presentations from town administrators, town managers, and executive directors of regional councils of government for the Commission to gain insights into the experiences of town governments that use alternatives to the Board of Selectmen/Town Meeting form of government.


AUGUST 2023 – JANUARY 2024

Charter Commission – Charter Development – Charter Drafting Workshops and Briefings

The draft charter development process involved developing a consensus on the need for a charter and the key governance areas the Commission was asked to consider by the Board of Selectmen in accordance with the resolution forming the Charter Commission.


JANUARY 31, 2024

Charter Commission – 2ndPublic Hearing

The Commission’s 2nd public hearing is required after the Commission has completed its draft report/charter and before submitting it to the Board of Selectmen.


FEBRUARY 14, 2024

Charter Commission – Transmittal of Draft Charter to Board of Selectmen

Following the 2nd public hearing, the Commission transmits its final draft report/charter, including any changes made to the draft following the 2nd public hearing to the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk then forwards the draft report/charter to the Board of Selectmen to the Board of Selectmen for their consideration.


MARCH 28, 2024

Board of Selectmen – Public Hearings

Following receipt of the draft charter the Board of Selectmen is required to hold at least one public hearing. The last date on which the last public hearing may be held is 45 days after the submission of the draft charter to the Board of Selectmen.


APRIL 5, 2024

Board of Selectmen – Transmittal of Recommended Changes to Charter Commission

The Board of Selectmen has 15 days after the last public hearing to make recommendations for changes to the draft charter, if any, to the Charter Commission. If no changes are recommended to the Commission, the draft report/charter becomes final.


MAY 1, 2024

Charter Commission – Action – Consideration of Recommended Changes and Submittal of Final Report/Proposed Charter to Board of Selectman

If there are recommended changes, the Commission shall confer with the Board of Selectmen concerning such recommendations and may amend its report/charter or reject the recommendations. The deadline for the Charter Commission to respond to the Board of Selectmen with its final report/charter is 30 days of receiving such recommendations.


MAY 7, 2024

Board of Selectmen – Action – Approval of Final Proposed Charter

Not later than fifteen days after receiving the final report/charter, the Board of Selectmen, by a majority vote of its entire membership, shall either approve the proposed charter or reject the same or separate provisions thereof. The Charter Commission shall terminate upon acceptance or rejection of its final report/charter by the Board of Selectmen.


JUNE 6, 2024

Board of Selectmen – Proposed Charter Publication

Not later than thirty days after approval by the Board of Selectmen or the certification of such a petition (1) the proposed charter shall be published in full at least once in a newspaper having a general circulation in the municipality, or (2) the portion of the charter being amended shall be published at least once in a newspaper having a general circulation in the municipality with a notice that a complete copy of the charter or home rule ordinance and amendment is available in the town clerk’s office and that a copy shall be mailed to any person who requests a copy. The town clerk shall mail or otherwise provide such copy to any person who requests a copy.



Board of Selectmen – Action – Set Referendum Questions

The deadline for final town (Board of Selectmen) action to set the referendum question(s) is 60 days before the general election (November 5, 2024). The deadline for the Town Clerk to certify the referendum question(s)  to the Secretary of the State is 45 days before the general election (November 5, 2024).



Election Day – Action – Referendum Vote

A majority vote of those voting is required for adoption of the proposed charter (November 5, 2024).




Not later than 30 days after approval by the electors, the Town Clerk must notify the Secretary of the State, in writing, of the results. The Town Clerk must also file three certified copies of the charter with the Secretary of the State.

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